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Big Pharma Wants Livestock Animals to Be Injected With mRNA, but Missouri, North Dakota, Idaho, Tennessee and Arizona Are Proposing Legislation to Stop It

Big Pharma Wants Livestock Animals to Be Injected With mRNA, but Missouri, North Dakota, Idaho, Tennessee and Arizona Are Proposing Legislation to Stop It

The threat of mRNA-tainted meat derived from animals given mRNA “vaccines” getting into the food supply is now so serious that at least five states are proposing legislation to ban...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Tyson Foods to Lay Off 10% of Corporate Workers, 15% of Leadership Team as Corporate America IMPLODES

Tyson Foods to Lay Off 10% of Corporate Workers, 15% of Leadership Team as Corporate America IMPLODES

The nation’s largest meat company is slashing jobs left and right as part of an ongoing cost-cutting effort to keep the business afloat. Due to declining profits and struggles to improve its...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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America’s Future Being Tested in Singapore With Approval of 16 Insects for Human Consumption

America’s Future Being Tested in Singapore With Approval of 16 Insects for Human Consumption It’s not uncommon for insect parts to accidentally make it into processed foods in plant production. However, Singapore has gone one step further and approved the packaging and sale...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Genetic and Biological Weaponry Continues to Be Deployed Across the Food Supply

Now that human beings are learning to reject mRNA vaccine experiments and associated biological warfare, there is a new global agenda that seeks to inject animals with mRNA bioweapons and taint...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Buy Into the Globalist Climate Hysteria at Your Own Peril

Buy Into the Globalist Climate Hysteria at Your Own Peril

The globalists say that climate change is the biggest threat to humanity and that we need to give up our privacy and freedom in order to stop it. They are...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning ‘Hostile Foreign Nations’ From Buying Farmland

Texas Senate Passes Legislation Banning ‘Hostile Foreign Nations’ From Buying Farmland

The Texas state senate passed legislation this week banning the purchase of farmland by citizens and entities linked to hostile foreign nations, a move which the author of the bill...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Bugs Now Served With Teriyaki, Chili-Lime, and Avocado Salsa at Elite U.K. Private School

Bugs Now Served With Teriyaki, Chili-Lime, and Avocado Salsa at Elite U.K. Private School

Get ready for more eat-bugs propaganda to save the earth. Look what's on the menu at an elite London private school, according to the Daily Mail: Chinese crispy crickets, buffalo...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial to the Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’

Scientists Say Meat Is Crucial to the Human Diet – Warn Against Vegan ‘Zealotry’

Dozens of experts were asked to look into the science behind claims that meat eating causes disease and is harmful for the planet in a special issue of a journal...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Dr Peter McCullough: mRNA Shots for Cattle Are Not Needed

Dr Peter McCullough: mRNA Shots for Cattle Are Not Needed

Renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has raised the alarm about mRNA shots being used on cattle. McCullough warns that genetic vaccines are not needed for cattle. The Texas A&M...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is ‘Unsettling’ and Racist

Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is ‘Unsettling’ and Racist

As I have previously documented at The Daily Bell , one of the major ongoing projects of the technocrat globalists at the WEF is to force the peasants to swap...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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